~Maya Angelou
Knowing is half the battle. knowing what you want, where you're trying to go, what you're willing to do to get there, and what are you willing to sacrifice? Knowing your beliefs, morals and principals, and where you stand in this world, That's where you start. I'm just here for you to sort out and help you straighten your crown. Everything you need is already inside of you, The Divine Heavenly creator already put it in you.
Upgrade your mind, and you will transform your life. New confidence, self worth and determination will lead you to a new and improved life. It's your time to shine. Did you ever want to be a boss? Now is the time, It's time for you to take control of your life. In my life I had to face my demons, and see what was holding me back from the success that I truly, and so desired, and I did it alone with the help of my Heavenly Father our creator. But let me tell you I did it alone, and it was so challenging and scary. Sometimes our challenging moments in our life, challenges us to be great, and that's when I found my calling. Following your passion, will lead you to purpose. And it gets lonely on the way to the top. Hard work, determination, investing in yourself and getting the support you need will produce enormous results. Honey, pressure busts pipes. So are you ready to go to the top, I'm here to help you climb.
What Glam World Simply Royalty OfferS?
What does Glam World offer? We offer, Spirituality, 1 on 1 sessions, on different levels and ranges, and we offer self love, self confidence, style, if you are starting over or want to reinvent yourself. We also offer self mastery, and how to be a successful business owner with consultation. Glam World is a one stop shop to get you whole and ready for your world and give you all the support and skills, tools, techniques and my experience, and love and support. Let's work together and transform our mind, body & soul.
Are you ready to Transform your world? Okay! It's time to "Glam Your Life" Have you ever felt stuck or alone? Sometimes life gets to the best of all of us. It comes a time in everyone's life where you are just tired of watching your life, You want to get in the game, or start over or go further in life and take action. If that's you, you are at the right place. You are not alone, you have full support, the tools and strategies to get you right where you were meant to be. No more being a spectator, You are a winner. Kings/Queens ready to take your position and step in your authority and take dominion.
As a coach, Earlisha creates a safe environment, comfortable space to elaborate on your needs, so I can properly guide you to clarity, on your desired outcome for your life. That's the name of the game you are in control. This is your world, to create and be great. I'm a Down to earth Life Coach, but very effective at what I do. Everything here at Glam World Is private, we take your privacy serious. I have ebooks, courses to buy. I have 1 on 1 coaching sessions, and much more. I'm here to fight with you, are you ready to Transform your World?
Self Love, is what it's all about. We are on the road to self mastery and I'm here to help you reach your next level, and go to the higher heights you always dreamed of. That's my dream for all my clients. So stay connected and keep your Royal eyes peeled for fresh tips and tools, and strategies just for you.
I have coaching sessions, you can decide which package you desire or suitable for your needs.
Be Your Own Boss ebook. It"s on sale right now, so please stay connected to know about my offers, and more deals.
Self Mastery is my free ebook mini course. A great deal for someone ready to start improving themselves.